Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Forget the fancy kids table tablecloth this year! Turn the kids table into a table to entertain. Put down butcher paper instead and have the kiddos draw and write what they are thankful for this year.
Image via: Buzzfeed
kids at your wedding on Offbeat Bride
Image via: Offbeatbride
Kids gummy bear and frosted sprinkled cupcake champagne toast mocktail treats
Image via: Wilkieblog
Kids corner tee pee play and lounge area
Image via: Wilkieblog
Have a “kids’ table” and stock it with crayons… lots of crayons.
Image via: Buzzfeed
entertain kids
Image via: Offbeatbride
How to entertain kids at a wedding
Image via: Superbusymum.Net
Tic-tac-toe outdoor yard games for kids and adults
Image via: Wilkieblog
entertain kids
Image via: Offbeatbride
Chocolate chip cookies and regular, strawberry, and chocolate milk kids dessert
Image via: Wilkieblog
Forget the finger painting and off-scheme kid’s table.
Image via: Wilkieblog
Twirly straws for kids at a wedding
Image via: Insideweddings
Lego wedding centrepiece
Image via: Weddingvenues
Entertain kids at your wedding
Image via: Offbeatbride
Forget the finger painting and off-scheme kid’s table.
Image via: Wilkieblog
Entertain kids at wedding reception
Image via: Thekrazycouponlady
Kid Activity box at a wedding I so wish I saw this before our wedding.
Image via: Bridalmusings